Thursday, January 10, 2008

Who is who on the internet MARY CUMMINS RACIST POST ON MAYOR SAM

Latest posting identity: santiago
Haunt: Mayor Sam's Sister City

Thanks to rescuers posting to the private blog, we just learned that Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is posting horrid racist comments on the Mayor Sam's Sister City Blog. Now, this is in addition to fighting with bloggers Zuma Dogg, and harassing Mayor Sam's friends about their weight and appearance. According to sources, PSYCHO MARY CUMMMINS JIM BICKHART'S EX GIRLFRIEND has also posted anonymously that she went to Mayor Sam's Christmas party "incognito" just to bash the guests.

As we already cautioned you, Mary Cummins is a sick racist nutcase. LA City Attorneys have Mary Cummins racist emails about LAAS GM Guerdon Stuckey. Why didn't Mary Cummins attorneys The Law Firm of Rheuban & Gresen check LA City's file on their nutcase racist client when they filed their meritless lawsuit?

Mary Cummins, whom a lot of victims have spotted on Mayor Sam posting in the name "santiago" Posted this disgusting post and one of our rescuers posted that it was a disgusting racist post. Here is the post. Caution, this is HATE SPEECH and is for mature audiences only.

Santiago said...
On CNN taday, Donna Brazile lit into ol white ass Bill Clinton wiff uh vehemence dat raised eyebrows in both o' they circles:

Brazile: I could dig' his frustration at dis here moment. But, peep, he shouldn't take out all his pain on Barack Obama. It'styme dat dey regroup. Figure out what Hillary needs ta do ta git her campaign back on track. It sounds like sour grapes coming from da former commander in chief. Someone dat many Democrats hold in high esteem. For him ta jet afta Obama, usin' uh fairy tale, calling him as he did last week. It'san insult. And I will tell ya, as an African-American, I find his tone an' his werdz ta be very depressing.


Blitzer: But tell me why, as an African-American, Donna, ya feel dat da prezident'scomments weren't appropriate.

Brazile: First o' all, if Bill Bennett [also on da show] had said some o' da things dat ol white ass iz saying about Barack Obama, I would gots called Bill Bennett out o' his name an' said dat Bill Bennett should shut his mouth cuz he iz not speaking in da right tone. I th'o't his tone, I th'o't calling Barack Obama uh kid, he iz uh United States senator. He'sexperienced. The peeps o' Illinois elected him, an' regardless o' what kind o' items iz on his résumé, dis here iz uh nig who has worked all his life. He'sproven; he'sbeen uh college professor. I don' gots ta give Barack Obama uh résumé. I'm not fo' anyone at dis here point. But I th'o't fo' ol white ass ta jet out o' his way ta become uh distraction ta Hillary Clinton an' ta launch da kind o' attack on Obama iz just out o' character fo' ol white ass. I th'o't it'styme he helps Hillary jive about her message an' not jet down dis here road.

January 08, 2008 7:22 PM

Anonymous said...
That post is blatantly racist. But we had a hint with her post at 6:07Santiago has finally morphed into her evil twin.

January 08, 2008 7:36 PM

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